Well, here is the latest....
I have been accepted into the colon cancer study group...
They tested the tumor and it had an elevated risk of returning which meant that I would be in Group A or Group B.
Group A = Traditional 6 month chemo treatment
Group B = 6 months of traditional chemo with a booster of "Avastin" that would continue for an extra 6 months beyond the chemo.
The randomizing put me in GROUP A
I will be getting traditional chemo for 6 months.
I will go in every two weeks....get my lab done...see the Dr....if all the labs are ok....I will do a chemo treatment...which will last about 2 hours.
I will then be sent home with a designer fanny pack...just kidding...a fanny pack that will continue the chemo pumping for 46 hours.
I will return to the Dr. in 2 days and have the pump removed and the cycle will begin all over again for 6 months. I am being treated at Cancer Care Associates in Tulsa.
They SAY that I will lose little if ANY hair.
They SAY that I should not experience nausea....
I'll let you know.
This is a wonderful little lady that has Stage IV Ovarian cancer....
The family is just amazed at her progress....
She was so precious...please say a prayer for her and her family.